Last night I counted my stitches while knitting, and I was one short. No problem, I must have dropped a stitch somewhere. I couldn’t find it. So I picked a spot and added one where I thought one might have dropped. It sort of filled an empty spot. Sort of.

I count again, and now I have one too many! How does this happen? Should I SSK them together and fake it? Or drop the one I added and try to smooth it out? How do I get it to look normal again? For someone with a math background, not making this perfect is driving me crazy!

I have so much to learn!

Kris @Alligator

Although I have many years of formal education, most of what I've learned has come from experimenting and trying to solve problems on my own. Once an idea for a project is set in my mind, it is all-consuming and one must learn everything possible about the subject on the way to the outcome. For learning is more than reading books and spoken word, it is hours of frustration, trial and error, and one sudden flash of insight when the world magically makes sense. It is during this moment when I am truely alive.