Tonight I’m rethinking my various websites and domain names. After setting up an page, I’m wondering if I should shut down my rarely used 15-year-old blog? I’ve already gotten rid of most of my domain names, and I don’t really have a need to pay for web hosting any longer. I know everyone uses Instagram to post things, but I’m not sure if I want to jump into that just yet (convince me?). I’m considering the weblog on instead.

Let me know if you have any good ideas (in addition to for posting short articles, interesting things I’ve found, photos, and general information for the internet to consume. I don’t want to drift into obscurity! I’m keeping, so that’s safe!

Kris @Alligator

Although I have many years of formal education, most of what I've learned has come from experimenting and trying to solve problems on my own. Once an idea for a project is set in my mind, it is all-consuming and one must learn everything possible about the subject on the way to the outcome. For learning is more than reading books and spoken word, it is hours of frustration, trial and error, and one sudden flash of insight when the world magically makes sense. It is during this moment when I am truely alive.